Sunday, August 10, 2008

Blog Hiatus...Begins Now

I have been so busy with work and preparing to leave the nest, that I just don't feel I have the time right now to have a great vegan food blog! I don't want to do this half-ass. I move in on the 25th of August and I will probably begin regularly posting on a schedule that I will develop in time , according to my university classes and study hours. I will still keep posting for August, but more randomly, as I just can't always find and whip out my camera to snatch a shot. Or will myself to go on the computer to explain my daily food and activities.

I am getting a laptop before I move out so I will definitely be playing around with it and posting. I will still post in August though, just not document every single thing! least until September

Hope someone reads this... hahah


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Sorry but you are NOT vegan - not even close to it! You consume animal products - chicken periods and fish (some fish are more intelligent than dogs!!!) . Please, can you NOT spread 100% misinformation?! As an ethical vegan of 26 years, I truly think this is horrible what you young people are posting and naming yourself vegans while you are participants to the biggest MURDER on the planet Earth. 150 billion animals die every year, 70 f that fish and other sea life. VEGANS DO NOT CONSUME ANYTHING FROM ANIMALS, REAL VEGANS do not use anything from animals as well. PLEASE EDUCATE YOURSELF WHAT EVAGNSIM IS ABOUT!!! Not a diet but ethical stance. And NO vegan eats animals and their secretions! FISH scream when they pull them out of the oceans you just do not hear it! Thanks!